Understanding SaaS Renewal Metrics


Customer retention is an important objective for all businesses. It is even more important for B2B SaaS businesses because a SaaS product’s success depends on monthly (or other periodic) active users who typically re-evaluate their purchasing decision on a monthly or periodic basis, meaning that a SaaS company experiences some uncertainty every 30 days.

This is why efficient customer retention management strategies are crucial for B2B SaaS companies. Customer retention management refers to the actions a company takes to ensure that customers stay loyal to their brand for a long time. In other words, customer retention management is essential for your long-term success. A good way to determine whether you are succeeding in your customer retention management efforts is by integrating renewal metrics into your set up.

What are Renewal Metrics and Why are They Important?

Renewal metrics or KPIs are measurable indicators that provide insight about how well an organization is retaining its existing customers and generating recurring revenue from them.

Renewal metrics are crucial for understanding customer behaviour and value as well as the success (or otherwise) of retention strategies. Measuring and evaluating these metrics enables organizations to identify the factors that affect customer retention and churn, for example, competition, product quality, pricing, value proposition and customer service.

Insights generated from these metrics can help in the formulation of renewal management policies aimed at increasing customer loyalty, advocacy and engagement, for instance, offering rewards to loyal customers, asking for their feedback, and encouraging testimonials and referrals.

In addition, with renewal metrics, it is easy to segment customers according to variables such as renewal potential, risk level, and needs. This allows B2B SaaS companies to evolve effective communication or engagement strategies and offerings that address pain points, provide proactive support, and other value-added services that help maximize customer experience and satisfaction,

Ultimately, effective renewal management measures will help you attract more patronage, boost your revenue growth and profit margin by lowering customer acquisition costs, and increasing both customer lifetime value, and upselling/cross-selling opportunities.

Common Renewal Metrics Used in Customer Retention Management

There are lots of renewal metrics out there designed to help measure the huge diversity of data being generated and processed on a daily basis. A few of these KPIs are presented below.

Renewal Rate

The renewal rate measures the percentage of customers who renew their subscription or contract at the end of a subscription period or billing cycle. A high percentage is an indication of a company’s ability to consistently meet customer expectations and the effectiveness of its loyalty programs.

Net Revenue Retention (NRR)

Net revenue retention is the percentage revenue retained from existing customers over a specific period, after accounting for upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations. Net revenue retention helps organizations evaluate customer success and is one of the indicators of how effective a business model is.

Churn Rate

Churn rate is a percentage indication of the degree of churn in an organization. The higher the percentage, the greater the churn and vice-versa.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT measures how satisfied customers are with your company’s products or services based on their expectations and experience.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net promoter score is a representation of the percentage of customers who are likely to recommend or promote your product or service to others and the percentage likely to detract from it. A negative score means that a company has more detractors than promoters and vice versa

Tips for Setting Renewal Metrics Goals

Setting renewal metrics goals is an important aspect of developing and implementing your company’s customer retention strategies. The following tips will help:

  • The goals you set should follow the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals principle
  • Be sure to benchmark your organization’s current performance against industry standards and best practices
  • Constantly search for and identify any gaps or opportunities to improve your renewal management efforts or customer retention strategies
  • Create realistic targets and outcomes for each metric based on prevailing conditions, business objectives and customer expectations
  • Organisational goals must take cognizance of team members, stakeholders, and resources. They must also be communicated clearly and consistently.
  • Monitor and evaluate your progress and results on a regular basis so that you can adjust your goals and actions when necessary

How to Collect and Analyze Renewal Metrics Data

Collecting and analyzing renewal metrics is essential for gaining insights and making data-driven decisions for your customer retention strategies. To achieve this effectively, consider:

  • Using reliable sources and tools to collect and store your data/information
  • defining and standardizing your data collection and reporting methods, for instance, data quality, format and frequency
  • Presenting your data/information in clear ways such as by using dashboards, tables, graphs and charts
  • Interpreting and contextualizing data in meaningful ways (for better insight), for example, by using descriptive, diagnostic, prescriptive, and predictive analytics.
  • Sharing data/information and insights with team members, stakeholders, and customers to obtain their feedback which should be used to induce further improvements